Bodum Japan K. K.
3-25-12 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001
Tel 03-5775-0681
Fax 03-5775-0701
BODUM® was founded in 1944 in Copenhagen, Denmark by Peter Bodum. Renowned for its iconic French Press coffeemaker and signature Scandinavian design aesthetic, BODUM has grown into a global housewares brand, with distribution in more than 55 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, the company continues to develop all products in-house under its core principle that good design should be both functional and affordable. The range of products extends from coffee, tea and glassware to kitchen electrics and gadgets. A family-owned company, the brand is directed today by the founder’s son, Jørgen Bodum.
ボダムは、1944 年創業、北欧デンマーク生まれのキッチンウエアブランド. “ シンプルで美しいデザインと高い機能性” 長年受け継がれるデザインポリシーに基づいた商品は、世界のデザイン賞を数多く受賞。デザインだけでなく、実用性に優れた商品は、世界55 か国にまで広がり、毎日の食卓で料理や素材の美味しさを引き立てています。