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Royal Copenhagen Japan Ltd.

Royal Copenhagen Japan Ltd.


4F, 11-19, Niban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0082
Tel: 03-6272-4354

Royal Copenhagen porcelain has been proudly manufactured since 1775. It is made with a deep respect for tradition and the time-honoured principles of craftsmanship. The process of creating these masterpieces entails much more than meets the eye. While the porcelain patterns may look simple, the decoration of a single plate from the Blue Fluted dinner service, for example, requires 1,197 brush strokes. And manufacturing a dinner service or a figurine involves many other steps and craftspeople. Each item undergoes a long process of moulding, casting and biscuit firing before the painting, glazing and final firing, involving skilled craftspeople at each turn. The parts are moulded and assembled by hand. If one of our modellers or moulders makes a single mistake, he or she will have to start all over again.
To maintain our high level of quality, our craftspeople undergo intensive training. The expert craftspeople ensure that our products are unique and that they generate a very special atmosphere conceived, designed, and made on the basis of more than 225 years of craftsmanship and tradition.

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