WEBINAR: Markets in the shadow of COVID-19 Market Outlook: Japan China and India
|Di webinar

Time & Location
2020年4月20日 16:00
Di webinar
About The Event
Markets in the shadow of COVID-19 Market Outlook: Japan China and India
A Webinar from DI that DCCJ members are welcome to participate in. Please note that registration is done through DI site and not DCCJ. Please follow the link at the bottom.
WEBINAR: The COVID-19 outbreak is jolting markets, disrupting supply chains and is causing significant uncertainty for businesses and decision makers around the world. This webinar offers you Danish insights into the current situation in three of the most important countries for Danish companies in Asia, Japan, China and India. Read more and register for the webinar.
The Confederation of Danish Industry has organized a row of webinars where our member companies can get updated from the Danish Ambassadors on current market situations, business outlook and what lies behind the shadow of COVID-19. This webinar offers you Danish insights to the current situation in three of the most important countries for Danish companies in Asia, Japan, China and India.
09:00 Welcome: Jens Holst-Nielsen, Market Director, The Confederation of Danish Industry
09:05 H.E. Peter Taksøe-Jensen, Ambassador of Denmark to Japan
09:35 Break
09:45 H.E. A. Carsten Damsgaard Ambassador of Denmark to China
10:15 Break
10:30 H.E. Freddy Svane, Ambassador of Denmark to India
11:00 Mr. Kunal Singla, Director DI India Office
11:15 Webinar Concludes
REGISTRATION: https://www.danskindustri.dk/arrangementer/soeg/webinarer/internationale-webinarer/japan-china-and-india/