Disclaimer: The information on this page is meant for a guide for the members of the DCCJ. However, as rules and regulations related to COVID19 constantly changing, the DCCJ assumes no responsibility or liability for the information available on this page. Please refer to the relevant authorities in Denmark and Japan, as well as your airline company or travel agency, to confirm that you fulfil the requirements for travel and entry.
Travelling to Denmark
Denmark has lifted all travel restrictions
From March 29, 2022 there are no COVID-19 restrictions on entry into Denmark.
Please find more information on COVID-19 in Denmark
Please be aware that the airlines might have additional or different requirements. Always make sure you comply with the requirements of your airline, or you might risk being rejected at the gate.
You can find information on COVID-19, testing and vaccination in Denmark here: https://en.coronasmitte.dk/
How to get a Danish Corona passport (Coronapas)
Danish citizens, including Danish expats with a CPR number and NemID, who are considered to be fully vaccinated, can get the vaccine registered in Denmark by a Danish doctor. If your vaccination is registered you will be able to download a Danish Corona passport showing the vaccination.
Danes Worldwide has a guide on how to get your vaccine registered here: https://www.danes.dk/coronapas/
If you do not already have a doctor in Denmark, Danes Worldwide has made an agreement with hejdoktor.dk to register vaccines for Danish expats. See more here: https://www.hejdoktor.dk/coronapas/
How to get tested in Denmark
Source: Test for COVID-19.
You can find an overview of all test centres in Denmark on this website. People without a Danish civil registration number (CPR number) and NemID must register as a user at covidresults.dk before testing at a public test centre in Denmark.
If you need a test to travel to Japan, please be aware that there are specific requirements to the format. The Embassy of Japan in Denmark has a short list of test sites who fulfil the requirements on their website: https://www.dk.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/covid-19.html
Travelling back to Japan
From 00:00 AM October 11, 2022, Japan will once again permit visa-free travel for business and tourism.
See which passports holders are eligible for visa exemption:
At the same time Japan will lift all requirements for on-arrival test at the quarantine station, self-quarantine, and refraining from use of public transportation for all travellers, except for returnees and entrants with symptoms of suspected COVID-19 infection.
The new measures also mean that business travellers will no longer be required to have an inviting party and register through the Entrants, Returnees Follow-up System (ERFS).
All returnees and entrants will still be required to show either a valid COVID-19 vaccination certificate of three doses of vaccines prescribed on the Emergency Use List of World Health Organization (WHO), or a certificate of negative test result of pre-departure COVID-19 test conducted within 72 hours prior to departure from the original country/region.
For requirements for valid COVID-19 vaccination certificates, please see: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/covid-19/border_vaccine.html
For requirements for a certificate of negative test result of pre-departure COVID-19, please see: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000121431_00248.html
The Embassy of Japan in Denmark has a short list of test sites who fulfil the requirements on their website: https://www.dk.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/covid-19.html
For travel restrictions prior to October 11th 2022, please see: